Ukraine at the International Food Exhibition SIAL PARIS 2024Ukraine at the International Food Exhibition SIAL PARIS 2024

Ukraine at the International Food Exhibition SIAL PARIS 2024

SIAL PARIS is one of the most influential international food exhibitions in the world, held every two years in France. It brings together over 150,000 world’s leading retailers and food producers from 127 countries.

This year, for the first time, Switzerland within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian Program “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine” (QFTP) supports participation of 11 Ukrainian organic and dairy producers in SIAL Paris 2024:

Organic sector:

  1. Catanzaro Eurasia, LLC (Alta Kraina) (Odesa region) — berries, fruit juices;
  2. Chemex LTD, LLC (ProOrganica) (Kyiv region) — cereals, groats, flakes;
  3. Galeks-Agro, PE (Zhytomyr region) — cereals, honey;
  4. Healthy Generation, LLC (Dnipropetrovsk region) — flakes, groats, flour, amaranth oil;
  5. Organic Milk, LLC (Zhytomyr region) — dairy products;
  6. Stodola, LLC (Mykolaiv region) — vegetables, fruit and vegetable preserves.

Dairy sector:

  1. Dubnomoloko, LLC (Rivne region)
  2. Dairy Company “Halychyna,” LLC (Lviv region)
  3. Pervomaisky Dairy-Canning Plant, PJSC (Mykolaiv region)
  4. Prime Snack, LLC (Zakarpattia region)
  5. Khorol Baby Food Plant, LLC (Poltava region)

For detailed information about the National Stand of Ukraine at SIAL Paris 2024, please follow the link.

For more information about the selection of organic sector exhibitors for the National Stand of Ukraine at SIAL PARIS 2024, please follow the link. (In Ukrainian)

For more information about the selection of dairy sector exhibitors for the National Stand of Ukraine at SIAL PARIS 2024, please follow the link. (In Ukrainian)

SIAL PARIS 2024 is the 60th anniversary exhibition, planned as a five-day business generator and innovation show, allowing participants to present their products to a target foreign audience, conduct dozens of B2B meetings, gain valuable contacts for further cooperation, and get acquainted with the latest trends in the food industry.

The National Stand of Ukraine at SIAL Paris 2024 is organised by Ukrainian Food Association under the patronage of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, in partnership with the State Institution “Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office” (Ukraine), the state project Diia.Business and Nazovni platform, supported by: 

For reference:

For many years, Switzerland has being actively supporting the development of the export potential of Ukraine’s organic and dairy sectors, facilitating the participation of producers in international food fairs such as ANUGA (Cologne, Germany), BIOFACH (Nuremberg, Germany), and the Middle East Organic & Natural Products Expo (Dubai, United Arab Emirates).

Success stories of organic companies from previous international exhibitions:

  1. More than EUR 1 million: how BIOFACH facilitated conclusion of contracts to supply to Germany, Italy, and the Czech Republic
  2. From participation in BIOFACH to signing contracts worth half a million euros: the journey of organic producer Eco Berry
  3. Participation in international trade fairs is a tool for attracting new contracts: the story of walnut brand Slow Walnuts
  4. Strengthening the partnership and impact of BIOFACH on Podillyaagrobusiness’ export history
  5. How BIOFACH 2023 helped Ukrainian organic watermelons and melons to enter the EU markets
  6. From participation in BIOFACH 2023 to securing contracts worth EUR 700 000: a story of UKR-WALNUT
  7. From visitor to exhibitor: Arnika Organic’s journey and results of participation in BIOFACH 2023

Success stories of dairy companies from previous exhibitions:

  1. The first experience of TM KOMO participating in the Anuga Dairy exhibition and securing a contract to supply 50 tons of processed cheese to Latvia (In Ukrainian)
  2. The first National Stand of Ukrainian dairy companies at ANUGA


19 - 23 Oct 2024


09:00 - 18:00


Paris, France


Ukrainian Food Association
Ukrainian Food Association

Other Organizers

Міністерством аграрної політики та продовольства України
Державна установа «Офіс з розвитку підприємництва та експорту»
Національний проєкт Дія.Бізнес
Платформа Nazovni
Швейцарсько-українська програма «Розвиток торгівлі з вищою доданою вартістю в органічному та молочному секторах України» (QFTP)
Програма міжнародного співробітництва «EU4Business: конкурентоспроможність та інтернаціоналізація МСП», яку в Україні реалізує німецька федеральна компанія GIZ
This website is developed within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian Program “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine” funded by Switzerland and implemented by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL, Switzerland) in partnership with SAFOSO AG (Switzerland)». © All rights reserved