On 23 September 2024, for the third time, Ukraine will celebrate the Organic Day together with EU which is an important event within the framework of Ukraine’s EU integration strategy. 

This event demonstrates the consistent implementation of the EU Green Deal strategy in the Ukrainian organic sector. Organic Day in Ukraine is celebrated to consolidate the organic sector in Ukraine, to raise awareness of organic products among consumers in Ukraine and to contribute to the popularisation of organic production practices. 

The Organic Day in Ukraine Conference will take place

Date and time: September 23, 2024, from 10:00 to 14:30 (Kyiv time). 

Venue: First Conference Hall, Blue Hall, 25 Khreschatyk St, Kyiv city. 

During the event the participants will be able to: 

  • Learn about the latest news and analysis of the organic sector in Ukraine, including the news from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine 
  • Hear the latest analytics on the current state of the organic market from top experts. 
  • Learn about the state and trends of education and science in the organic sector in Ukraine 
  • Award the organic business and sector personalities who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Ukrainian organic sector. 

The Conference “Organic Day in Ukraine” will be held in a hybrid format, so that participants can attend the event either in person in Kyiv or online (Zoom). Simultaneous interpretation will be provided during the event. 

Participation in the Organic Day in Ukraine Conference is free of charge with prior registration. The number of in person seats is limited.

Programme of the conference is at the link. 

The conference is organised by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and Organic Initiative Public Association in partnership with Ekoterra Lviv city non-governmental organisationInformation Center “Green Dossier”, Organic Ukraine NGO, Organic Federation of Ukraine and Biodynamic Association of Ukraine with support of:

Information support: OrganicInfo.ua  

More details are on the webiste.