08:38:302023-07-07 08:41:42Switzerland Provides Aid to the SSUFSCP’s Laboratories in the Raw Milk Control Program 16:47:022023-06-30 16:47:03Summary of the results of activities of service providers in the dairy sector on the recovery of milk production farms supported by Switzerland in the regions affected by military actions 16:49:182023-06-26 16:49:19Dairy extension agents and consultants with successful practices heading to farmers 11:53:512023-06-26 16:49:38Practical training for the SSUFSCP specialists on a risk-based inspection of dairy FBOs held 18:49:392023-06-14 18:49:40Current issues of milk and dairy production was discussed in Lviv 16:28:142023-06-12 15:50:47The importance of availability and regular consumption of milk and dairy products by children discussed in the multisector expert community for the second time 15:39:382023-06-09 15:39:38During the third expert discussion for the dairy sector, current opportunities for entering new markets were discussed 10:06:372023-06-06 10:06:3724 organic operators will receive support in the frame of the phase 3 of the Grant Program “Support of organic sector in Ukraine” 14:38:212023-05-22 14:38:22Switzerland to continue to provide comprehensive support to the dairy sector of Ukraine for recovery and development 22:23:432023-05-16 22:23:43World, Europe, Ukraine — View from the EU: what we talked about during the second expert discussion in the frame of the series of events dedicated to dairy export support and promotion during the war