Implementing European Standards For Raw Milk Quality and Safety Testing 

The legal requirements for the organization of laboratory control of raw milk in the European Union and the tasks and functions of the National Reference Centre for Cow’s Milk Quality in the system of laboratory control of raw milk were the main topics of the webinar organized with the support of Switzerland within the framework of theSwiss-Ukrainian Programme “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine” (QFTP). 

The event lasted from 20 to 29 January and included a practical training for laboratory specialists of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (SSUFSCP) at the Experimental Zootechnic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna (IZSLER, Italy). 

Representatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and SSUFSCP, experts from the National Reference Centre for Cow’s Milk Quality of the IZSLER and other departments of the IZSLER and the laboratory network of the SSUFSCP took part in the event. 

Giorgio Varisco, IZSLER General Director, noted that he was proud to share Italy’s experience in organizing quality control and safety of raw milk. Italy is one of the leading producers and exporters of dairy products in the EU. The country’s dairy sector employs about 25,000 people. Every year, Italian companies produce 1 million tones of cheese, of which 460,000 tones are products with the status of a protected designation of origin, as well as 3 million tones of drinking milk, 1.8 billion cans of yoghurt and 160,000 tones of butter. 

Paulo Daminelli, Chief Veterinarian of the Food Safety Department of the National Research Institute for Food Safety and Head of the National Reference Centre for Cow’s Milk Quality, spoke about how traceability and control of raw milk quality and safety are ensured for the production of such a large number of dairy products in Italy. 

According to him, the European Commission has identified 33 European reference laboratories, of which 6 operate in Italy. In addition, there are 54 National Reference Centers in Italy. 

He explained the legislative aspects of laboratory control of raw milk in the EU, gave an example of the implementation of the requirements of EU legislation and Italian national legislation on national reference laboratories.   

The National Reference Centre for Cow’s Milk Quality in Italy conducts research on raw milk samples for official control, for the purposes of payment for milk by the first purchaser, as well as self-control by farmers and dairy processing establishments; analyses data on the quality and safety of Italian milk; coordinates the activities of other laboratories that carry out testing on raw milk through the establishment of unified laboratory testing methods to ensure the reliability of analytical research results. 

“This series of events is an important step towards integrating the Ukrainian milk market in line with European control requirements. We strive to ensure the sustainability and traceability of the milk quality system, confirming its safety at all stages of production. The exchange of experience between Ukrainian and Italian experts is of key importance, and we are grateful to our colleagues from Italy for their openness to cooperation,” said Taras Vysotskyi, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. 

Oleh Osiian, First Deputy Head of the SSUFSCP, said that the current goal is to create a modern and efficient laboratory network for food testing, including raw milk, under the organizational and methodological guidance of the National Reference Laboratory for Research (Testing) of Milk and Dairy Products. 

«This year, the first webinars on this topic for our specialists are being held by the Italian National Reference Centre for Cow’s Milk Quality. Also, four representatives of Ukrainian laboratories have the opportunity to undergo practical training at the Italian National Reference Centre. Upon returning to Ukraine, they will share their practical experience with specialists from other laboratories. Together we are making important steps towards the implementation of European standards in Ukraine!» said Oleg Osiіan, First Deputy Head of the SSUFSCP. 

Manon Sсhuppers, International Expert of the Dairy Sector Component, Swiss-Ukrainian Program “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine” (QFTP), Co-CEO SAFOSO AG, noted that Switzerland has been supporting the Ukrainian dairy sector since 2015. 

«The idea of establishing a Raw Milk Control Program in Ukraine was discussed in 2016, and since then we have been working on its implementation within the QFTP. Laboratory testing of various milk quality and safety indicators is a key element of such a control program. At the same time, national reference laboratories play a very important role. I am confident that we will continue to develop this activity in the future. We have already held several trainings on this topic, but now we need in-depth training for individual participants on key milk quality parameters. I am grateful to the representatives of the IZSLER for organizing such training», the expert said. 

The webinar participants also discussed the implementation of European standards in the Ukrainian laboratory testing system, the role of the National Reference Laboratory in the national state control program and modern methods of laboratory testing of milk for indicators defined by EU legislation. 

This event is supported by Switzerland within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian Programme “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine” implemented by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL, Switzerland) in partnership with SAFOSO AG (Switzerland).