Phase II of the Swiss-Ukrainian Program “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine” (QFTP) has been launched. It is aimed to contribute to sustainable trade with more and better jobs by strengthening the business competitiveness and capacities of SMEs in the organic and dairy sectors.
During the first QFTP Phase II Steering Committee meeting, which was held on 7 September 2023 in Kyiv, its members approved the QFTP Phase I final report and activity plan for the next program year.
It is expected that as a result of implementation of Phase II of the Program the Ukrainian regulatory framework and business environment will be improved and aligned with the EU regulation, and trade capacity on the domestic and export markets with higher value added products relating to the organic and dairy sectors will be increased.
Silvan Hungerbühler,, Program Manager, Organic Focal Point Trade Promotion Division, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO, Switzerland), speaking about the Program importance and long-term Swiss-Ukrainian cooperation, highlighted: “During the implementation of QFTP Phase I we saw that the Program team fulfils its objectives for the development of the organic and dairy sectors. QFTP contributes to creation of new trade opportunities and competitive business environment. For our part, we are ready to support the Program’s activities that will ensure the development of trade with organic and dairy products”.
QFTP Phase II is implemented with support of Switzerland by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL, Switzerland) in partnership with SAFOSO AG (Switzerland).
For more details follow the link to the news on the website of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection.