34 organic operators will receive grants at the amount of about UAH 6 mln to implement their projects in the frame of Phase 2 of the Grant Program “Support of organic sector in Ukraine” initiated by the Organic Initiative.

Phase 2 of the Grant Program is focused on strengthening the capacity of the organic sector, supporting organic operators, organic producers, and processors with a focus on sales and marketing on the domestic market.

Therefore, support is provided to the organic producers whose products are already available on the supermarket shelves to improve product quality, expand the organic product range, improve sales and communication with consumers, establish their own points of sale, and improve the product design and packaging. Support is also provided to organic greenhouse farms.

Overall, 80 applications from 16 regions of Ukraine, collected from August 20 to September 20, 2022, were considered.

The list of organic operators to be supported.

More detailed information about the grant program “Support of the Organic Sector of Ukraine”.

Currently, the Grant Program is financially supported by: Switzerland within the framework of the Organic Trade 4 Development in Eastern Europe (OT4D) and “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine” (QFTP) Programs; Sunrise Foods International (Canada)Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ (Czech Republic), Agro Eco (the Netherlands), Office of the Agricultural counsellor Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine, Donau Soja Association, BTU-CENTER (Ukraine), Integro Company and other private donors.

Source: OrganicInfo.ua