In frames of the Emergency Response Plan, the QFTP have supported service providers in dairy sector in implementation of activities which will contribute to the recovery of small and medium enterprices (SME) in the regions affected by military actions. The support was implemented on the competitive basis: out of 10 received applications for the following co-financing 5 were chosen. Those applications were submitted be three service providers: Consultancy center AVM, Uman Labs and Dairy Management Systems.

So, in June 2023 almost 100 enterprices of Chernihiv, Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhya, Kherson, Odesa and Mykolaiv oblasts have received a number of free services, namely:

  • Diagnostics of causative agent of mastitis in farm conditions;
  • Testing of cow blood serum on biochemical parameters: Calcium, Phosforus, Magnesium, urea, amilase, protein, bilirubine, ALT, AST and cholesterine;
  • Testing of milk samples on the following parameters: fat, total protein, lactose, somatic cells count, nitrogen of urea, total dry matter, defatted dry matter, freezing point;
  • Trainings on milking hygiene and milk sampling;
  • Practical visits to farms by consultants in the form of audit by blocks: accounting and human resources, breeding and health of cows, feeding and herd management. Also service recepients have received shortterm, midterm and longterm plans on the general improvement of enterprices’ activities.

Provided services on laboratory testing, consultations and recommendations will contribute to the recovery and improvement of the situation in target regions and increase humanitarian initiatives of Switzerland in deoccupied regions to provide hygiene products for dairy farms (more information is available by the link: