Dear organic producers, representatives of state authorities, and everyone who wants to contribute to the School Food Reform in Ukraine!

We invite you to cooperate on the introduction of organic products in the menus of canteens in the state schools and kindergartens of Ukraine.

According to the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation, signed between the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Ukraine, the First Lady of Ukraine, and other partners regarding nutrition reform in educational institutions with the support of Switzerland the following activities are planned to be implemented within the Swiss-Ukrainian program “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine”:

  • To organize a high-level policy round table in Ukraine among national public and private institutions on Sustainable Public Procurement of Food for Health;
  • To contribute to the communication campaign with the organization of 10 national and regional awareness increasing and media events focusing on organic certified products;
  • To implement a pilot project on introducing organic food in 2-3 education institutions, e.g. primary schools, with the strong involvement of public and private actors and, if possible, in collaboration with other technical assistance projects.

These activities will be implemented by the organic multi-stakeholder platform “Organic Initiative”, namely the working group “Implementation of organic nutrition in schools and kindergartens of Ukraine”.

All those who want to join, please contact the coordinator of the working group Nataliia Cholovska, President of the Lviv City Non-Governmental Organisation “Ecoterra”: 38050-4307623;