Component 1 “Institutional Environment”
- An introduction to risk assessment principles
- Hazards identification and characterization along the dairy production chain in Ukraine
- Introduction to basic concept of sampling and sample size
- Introduction to disease occurrence principles and measures of central location
- Introduction to epidemiological surveillance
- Risk based surveillance-categorization
- Risk factors for transmission of zoonotic diseases through milk or milk products
- Sample size exercise
- The nature of data
- Introduction to Epidemiological Study Design
- Introduction to Outbreak Investigation (focus on foodborne outbreak investigation)
- Epidemiological Aspects of Laboratory Investigations
- Epidemiological risk factors and the measures of association
- Data collection
- Database development and use
- Bovine tuberculosis
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Introduction to risk assessment principles
- How to conduct a risk assessment
- Introduction to cross sectional study
- Measures of disease spread
- Use of multiple diagnostic tests (series and parallel interpretation)
Component 2 “Implementation”
- Risk based inspection system
- Animal welfare
- Communication to farmers what to expect?
- Best practices in dairy farms – introduction
- Training of trainers training plan
- Tricks and jokes to facilitate interaction among participants (for training purposes)
- How to assess animal welfare
- Dairy farming impact on the environment (the system of waste management)
- Feeding and quality control of feed and water
- Housing conditions
- Herds management and calf rearing
- International perspectives of raw milk (quality and safety) monitoring and state control in European settings: Germany case
- International perspectives of raw milk (quality and safety) monitoring and state control in European settings: Italy case
- International perspectives of raw milk (quality and safety) monitoring and state control in European settings: Switzerland case
Component 3 “Private Industry”
- Importance of milk safety and quality – economy
- Importance of safe raw milk – policy level
- Importance of safe raw milk – animal health
- Importance safe raw milk – human health
- Risk prevention of bad or unsafe milk
- Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Animal health and calf rearing
- Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Animal welfare and housing conditions
- Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Communication and training tips
- Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Documents and record keeping
- Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Feeding and quality of feed and water
- Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Milking hygiene quality and safety
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. MCP in Ukraine regulatory aspects
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Milk quality control and documentation
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Refrigeration and pasteurization their role for the control of food safety hazards
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. What should be tested at the MCP and how
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Somatic Cell Count and Total Microbial Count what do they mean, biologically and financially
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Equipment disinfection, and pest management
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Is personal hygiene part of this story
- Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Milk transportation best practice
- Study visit Switzerland. Food inspection office of canton of Berne
- Study visit Switzerland. Inspection in dairy processing plants
- Awareness Workshop. Associations’ work in the dairy sector in Switzerland
- Awareness workshop. Inspections – The Swiss Perspective
- Awareness workshop. Quality based payment system for raw milk-official versus private controls in Switzerland
- Awareness workshop. Inspections-Aspects beyond the Checklist
- Awareness workshop Legal Frameworks in Raw Milk Control Responsibilities and Implementation in Switzerland